Dealing with Doctors!
In response to a question I got this week about dealing with doctors and other healthcare providers. "Thank you very much for replying, please could you give me any strong tips on dealing with professionals and other services who don't understand my condition and keep harassing me. I would be very grateful." The best way to get the most from your healthcare provider is to be organised and well informed. Arm yourself with as much information as you can, but don't just read the stuff you find on google. You can access thousands of medical journals online for free (there is a link on the "Gastroparesis" page to a great free site) and you can try searching google scholar if you feel good enough to wade through the jargon that is lol. Dealing with Dr's can be very difficult, especially if you feel intimidated by them. When you are ill you feel especially vulnerable and more likely to forget what you want to say, or in a hospital situation, feel too ...