Demon Days

Sometimes in life you really do have to question your very existence on this earth. As much as you try to get back on your feet...something always knocks you back down. This is the way it has been for us for as long as I can remember. So, what do you do? Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start again. It's just what you do right? That's what the world expects. But what happens when you get tired of the knocks and scrapes and too frail to get back up again and again? My baby girl decided it was time for drastic action, so...she decided to write a letter to God. We are not a religious family but allow the children the freedom to make up their own minds about such matters. Here it is:

Dear God,

Thank you for the world, even though people do bad things, you have to stop people being bad. I want the world to be good!

From E. 
Aged 9

Nothing quite like the sheer straight forward sense of a nine year old eh! She gave me the letter and then promptly asked me if I knew Gods email address ha ha well this is the 21st century lol.

Those are the moments in life that keep us going. They may be few and far between sometimes but they are just enough to get us through the darkest of those demon days. When life keeps knocking you down...go ask a nine year old what they would do!


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