Hey guys,

I hope you like the videos... I messed up a few times but hey, at least I've mastered video uploads! Im going to try and do some more soon but wanted to know what kind of information you want me to talk about. Let me know if there is anything you feel is missing from my blog which you might want me to include. I am trying to make it a little more user friendly but blogging has its limits and until I get my website up and running there isn't a great deal I can do to change the layout so please bear with me!

I have my surgical review coming up on Thursday so I will update my diary properly when I know more.

It feels like I have been really busy this week but when I sit here and think about what I have done I realise that I have actually done very little. I have been going over things in my mind again which is driving me to distraction. Something happened recently which stirred up lots of old feelings from when I first started on my health journey and I have struggled to try and make sense of my feelings. I sat down to record a video version of my diary the other night because I thought it would be easier than tying to write for a change. Needless to say, I don't think i'll be posting it, I kind of broke down, but when I watched it back I realised just how many feelings I have kept to myself over the course of my journey. I have learnt some valuable lessons over the last 2 years, and when I look back over the events leading to where I am today... I realised that my body may be weak but my spirit is strong and as long as I hold my head up high I will not let this beat me!


  1. Keep that fighting spirit hunni, this illness is an emotional roller coaster...one thing they can't take away from us is hope :) here is hoping things get better for you soon xx

  2. Your true inspiration to anyone suffering big time with GP...were all in this together, fingures crossed we get a breakthrough soon.


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