
Showing posts from March, 2017

Gastroparesis, EDS, & the final piece of the jigsaw #Part 2

Click here for #Part 1 Most of you will already know through my blog, I'm not keen on surgeons ( to put it mildly ) so that key moment when I first meet a new one always feels like a very tense and anxious exchange. Years of plodding through the various health systems has unfortunately made me very cynical so it takes a lot to win me over these days. ... However,  Dr G had a very open and friendly manner about him which was instantly reassuring, we felt like equals from the offset so any tension we had felt beforehand quickly disappeared. He managed to hit my top two priorities on the head in pretty much the first sentence! He explained that he had been very interested in my unusual presentation and was keen to understand more , which is always difficult through email conversation. (not exactly a demanding list but surprisingly hard to find, especially among the surgical fraternity!) Prior to the appointment I had submitted a series of questionnaires including; a CCI quest...

Gastroparesis, EDS, & the final piece of the jigsaw #Part 1.

As most of you here know, I've been struggling with gastroparesis for the last 7 years. It's a very long story but this led to the diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. For those new to my blog... Eds is a genetic condition which makes the collagen in my body weaker and stretch more than it should. I was told as soon as I got the diagnosis, that Eds was the probable cause of my gastroparesis. No one explained why, mainly because the link is not fully understood, even in today's world where we can grow tissue in labs and print 3D parts from a computer! I've spent so many of those years in between, trying to find that elusive link and believe me when I say...I've read about every weird and wonderful theory known to man, every useless trial, and every obscure symptom. I've spoken to others with the same issues and heard their stories of how it all began. From testing new drugs, surgery and some rather suspicious looking electrical devices, believe me when I say...