The Sick Role
I know I've rather slowed down with the writing. I always have plenty to say but sometimes I need to keep things to myself a bit. However I do realise that not writing means that you guys miss out on all my wonderfully happy stories! So I thought I would top you up with the joys of my life and all the little challenges it brings. Today I'm merely ranting out loud but I promise to post a more personal blog soon.... I've been thinking a lot lately about other peoples perception of what my life entails. Obviously not those who actually take the time to find out, those who send me messages because they've not heard from me in a guys are fine! No, I'm talking about those who choose to judge from a thousand paces purely on the fact that you have put a little make-up on! Just want to get this out there... YOU GUYS SUCK! Big time! What is it with this obsession that sick people must be: a) miserable (sick people obviously NEVER smile) b) pale (anyt...