Be Somebody?
It's been so long since I wrote here yet it amazes me how many people still read my ramblings. When I first started writing I did it to find others like me and help along the way wherever I could. I really can't believe how much it has changed my life. I was never the brightest kid in school, nor the funniest, I hid away in groups and quite honestly people rarely remembered me at all. Probably because I never wanted to be noticed, didn't want to stand out too much. My teachers always said I had potential but I rarely reached it! Not because I was naughty… simply because I didn't have the courage to make myself heard. The last few years of living with a chronic illness has been a huge learning curve and I've had to do a lot of soul searching. During that time Ive realised that all my life I felt like an "underachiever" for lack of a better word. Always feeling that I had let others down and in turn let myself down the most. Maybe it stems from my abse...